Please note that there is currently dispute within the scientific community regarding the levels of oxalates and goitrogens in kale. Many of our rescuers have fed kale daily, combined with other veggies, with no ill effects. How to Help. One goal of the House Rabbit Society is to buy a homeless rabbit more time. We are an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The amount of oxalic acid within each plant can vary significantly due to several factors including the composition of the soil the plant grew in, the time of year and the age of the plant. Rabbits in the wild all over the world successfully consume a wide variety of plant material. Even starchy root vegetables and fruits if fed to excess with their high load of sugars and starch could be a problem and should only be fed as a very small part of the diet. The most common types of foods that do create havoc in the rabbit’s GI tract are those that are high in starch and sugars because they create a change in the pH of the cecum and eventually can throw the whole system off. The bulk of fresh foods should be made up of leafy greens (about 75% of the fresh part of the diet). We are not affiliated with any other rescue or shelter. Eating hay promotes healthy teeth and gastrointestinal tract and should be available to your rabbit at all times. Some people are concerned about feeding foods that cause gastrointestinal (GI) gas in people such as broccoli. It is rare for a rabbit that has been on a hay diet first, to have any problems using this method, but if you note softer stools that persist over a couple of days, then you might want to remove that food from your bunny’s diet. For instance if you feed parsley this week, then leave it out of the diet for next week and use something else. You also might choose to hand-feed the fruit portion of the diet as part of developing a close bond with your bunny and also to make sure he has an appetite every day. Eating hay promotes healthy teeth and gastrointestinal tract and should be available to your rabbit at all times. Various types of dry and fresh grasses and plants with leaves comprise the largest portion of the wild rabbit diet. HRS encourages you to make your own decisions on how you feed kale to your rabbit based on this information, and when solid, undisputed research is found we will update this and other articles relating to feeding kale. These should be no more than 10% of the diet (about 1 teaspoon per 2 lbs of body weight per day). You will get an immediate tax receipt from them if you choose either CHIMP (Charitable Impact) or Canada Helps. Over 450 rabbits were being held in awful conditions by a breeder in Dallas and rescues nationwide banded together to rescue these rabbits. Alfalfa is not a grass, but rather a legume (in the pea and bean family). A rabbit’s GI tract is not the same as a human’s and many of the foods that may cause gas in a human do not cause gas in a rabbit. If he doesn’t want to eat his treat, it is time to call your veterinarian. We began our rescue work in 1989. Contact Us. Find a home for your bunny. ! When introducing new fresh foods to any rabbit’s diet it is best to go slowly to allow the gastrointestinal tract and all its important microorganisms to adjust. Rabbits for Adoption; Adoption Application; Past Events / Adoption Days ; Sanctuary Rabbits; Adoption Stories; Get Involved. A non-profit rabbit rescue and education organization. �� C Read more below and if you can, please donate. A good amount of “other” vegetables (non leafy greens) to feed your rabbit would be about 1 tablespoon per 2 lbs of body weight per day in one meal or divided into two or more. '"#%%%),($+!$%$�� C $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$�� �" �� San Diego House Rabbit Society 4807 Mercury Street, Suite A San Diego, CA 92111. 2019 Rabbit Rescue Stories» Usually our hands are full helping our local rescue buns, but this year, our chapter assisted with a hoarding case from Texas. Missouri House Rabbit Society is a 501 (c3) all-volunteer, non-profit organization with a dual purpose of rescue and education. The Rabbit Society is a youth-based news platform that keeps its visitors up to date with anything from politics to sneaker releases. Rabbit Care. House Rabbit Society HQ National headquarters for House Rabbit Society. The New York City Chapter of the House Rabbit Society. Rabbit Rescue & Rehab. When our headquarters location opened in 2000, we were the first all-rabbit shelter in the country; now multiple House Rabbit Society chapters also have rescue facilities throughout the United States. If you would like to donate to VRRA choose one of the options in the right sidebar. Donate Here The House Rabbit Society has very useful articles about the process of rabbit bonding. 302-683-9009 ©2020 by Southeastern PA DE House Rabbit Society. Fresh foods also provide more moisture in the diet, which is good for kidney and bladder function. Thank you for your help and support on this tremendous journey! Most of the fresh vegetables we feed rabbits have a low to zero level of oxalic acid, but a few, most notably parsley, mustard greens and spinach have relatively high levels. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz��������������������������������������������������������������������������� An approximate amount of fruit to feed your rabbit is a teaspoon per 2 lbs of body weight daily in one feeding or divided into multiple feedings. The Columbus House Rabbit Society is a licensed chapter of the international House Rabbit Society. If collecting wild foods such as dandelion greens, make sure they are from a pesticide-free area. When you shop with House Rabbit Society, all of the proceeds benefit rabbit rescue and education! Learn More Make a Donation. IF you are in doubt about the source of the fruit and you are concerned about chemicals in the skin, then remove it. IMPORTANT: Before introducing any fresh foods to a rabbit it is best if he has been eating grass hay for a minimum of 2 weeks. Remember that dried fruits are about 3 times as concentrated as the fresh variety so feed less of those. Home. Find out more. Rotating the greens will also give your bunny variety in taste, texture and general nutrition! Founded in 1988, House Rabbit Society is a nonprofit animal welfare organization with headquarters in Richmond, California, with a mission of rabbit rescue and education. Newsletter . Leafy Greens I (need to be rotated due to oxalic acid content and only 1 out of three varieties of greens a day should be from this list). About Colorado House Rabbit Society. ��^{b� z�Cm5��.�Ǹ�F�Cr�cW�B0A)@Eb�~�uo6!��^��n�N�~��c�Z^�YUs� �� :�%���s�:]ա��Ncڽ�[_Fd��c�q��}�����c�8qڽU�5��x\�t�r����sڛ����RF�]H��(�&�i�l����b�F(�`��)(�M(y4n��hw Sign Up … Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, CA – Ban of Fur Sales (Including Rabbit Fur), Sprouts (from 1 to 6 days after sprouting, sprouts have higher levels of alkaloids), Fennel (the leafy tops as well as the base), Edible flowers (roses, nasturtiums, pansies, hibiscus), Chinese pea pods (the flat kind without large peas), Apple (any variety, without stem and seeds), Banana (remove peel; no more than about 2 1/8 inch slices a day for a 5 lb rabbit…they LOVE this! Foster Spotlight on: Alfie, Alma, Amos and Alan. Living with a House Rabbit; You Tube; Rabbits for adoption. Rabbits, like many animals naturally gravitate towards high calorie foods such as those high in sugar or starch. The Wisconsin House Rabbit Society is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing abandoned rabbits, finding them permanent, loving homes, and to educating the public about the care and behavior of rabbits. Check us out at &! Please support us in our goals of rescue, adoption, and education. Any leafy green that is safe for a human or a horse to eat is safe for a rabbit to consume. Meet Flower and Blossom! More. The House Rabbit Society of Chicago is an all volunteer, non profit organization dedicated to the rescue and rehabilitation of domesticated house rabbits in need. Foods that are notorious for causing rabbit GI problems when fed improperly are grains of any kind and legumes (beans, peas, etc). Products are shipped from House Rabbit Society Headquarters in Richmond, CA. The grass hay will help to get his GI tract motility and flora in good working order so that he will be able to accept new foods more easily. These foods should make up about 75% of the fresh portion of your rabbit’s diet (about 1 packed cup per 2 lbs of body weight per day). 779 were here. Learn about the changes we've made in 2020! Grass hay is rich in Vitamin A and D as well as calcium, protein and other nutrients. Consider becoming a member or gifting a membership to a bunny lover in your life! Adopt. New Jersey House Rabbit Society is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the well-being of domestic rabbits and to secure their place as a companion animal in society and in our homes. Want to show your continued support for the Indiana House Rabbit Society and get members-only benefits? Los Angeles Rabbit Foundation is a chapter of House Rabbit Society Meet … On March 31, 2019, we welcomed Milli, rescue #1000. Grass hay is rich in Vitamin A and D as well as calcium, protein and other nutrients. We are the first and oldest house rabbit rescue in IL (including the Chicagoland area, and most surrounding states). Join Our Mailing List. House Rabbit Society is a nonprofit animal welfare organization based in Richmond, California. All fresh foods regardless of the source should be washed or scrubbed (in the case of hard vegetables) before serving them to your rabbit. Starsky & Hutch (now Apollo & T’Challa) didn’t have to go far to find their forever family — only a ten minute drive from their foster home. ���n����֔�O���4 ��(Ͻ��Q��@ ��J0zf���SH�z v($t�4���#"�Npx�P�}ix�~4�q�h��E �z��qH0})�g��h ��RsڎH4 GZ QӓH�Z �w� 'JNz��c�R�4 �4��QE &sJ܊9� ��}���F(?J 3�搁�rh��C`�� &qAaHh�hwc��i '���ǥ �C��)�@5f.Tb�5Y��(�]��X$sTb8�i��"�[�S�b���|LW�]�E?x There has also been discussion about feeding vegetables that are goitrogenic in humans (causing a goiter) more notoriously those in the broccoli/cabbage family. You will be contacted to set up an appointment after we receive your online application. Keep a list as you go of the foods that your rabbit has successfully eaten; you will then have a handy shopping list when you go to the store! 1/6. Varying the type of grass hay or mixing hays is a great idea (such as timothy, orchard, oat hay, brome, etc). The House Rabbit Society is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization with two primary goals: (1) to rescue rabbits and (2) to educate the public on appropriate rabbit care. This is a protective device from the wild days when they could never be sure when or if they would get the next meal. Many people mean well when they contact HRS after discovering an “abandoned” nest of... read more. Learn More Volunteer. NOTE: unless otherwise stated it is more nutritious to leave the skin on the fruit (particularly if organic), just wash thoroughly. This is so far removed from normal feeding instructions for rabbits that there is no cause for concern in feeding these nutritious foods. Rabbits will also eat bark on trees, tender twigs and sprouts, fruits, seeds and other nutritious foods in much small amounts. Jan 15, 2021 . House Rabbit Society is a nonprofit animal welfare organization based in Richmond, California. These should be no more than about 15 % of the diet (About 1 tablespoon per 2 lbs of body weight per day). Fruits can also be fed in small amounts. IHRS Rescues 1000! Some folks are concerned that you rabbits need to acquire a significant amount of vitamin A from greens. House Rabbit Society is a nonprofit animal welfare organization based in Richmond, California. Fruits make great training treats! This means that rabbits cannot limit themselves when given sugary or starchy foods if left to their own devices! Foster rabbits are spayed or neutered and any health concerns are addressed. Wild Rabbits May Not Need Your... Mar 8, 2013 . The majority of the house rabbit diet should be composed of grass hay (any variety). Rabbits that would otherwise be euthanized at area shelters due to a lack of space, health or behavioral concerns are rescued and placed in an WHRS foster home. 779 were here. Wild babies are most often not orphaned! You may know that dark green leafy vegetables and red peppers have more vitamin C per weight than citrus fruits! CALIFORNIA – LOS ANGELES/BUNNY LUV RABBIT RESOURCE CENTER*, CALIFORNIA – LOS ANGELES/LOS ANGELES RABBIT FOUNDATION*, OHIO/BUCKEYE – Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinatti, Canton, Athens*, ���� JFIF ` ` �� ;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v80), quality = 82 We rescue domestic rabbits, heal their illnesses and injuries as needed, get them spayed and neutered, litter train them, and find homes for them as house rabbits. Avoid the use of alfalfa hay as the primary source of hay due to the fact it is very high in calories and protein, far more than the average house rabbit needs. House Rabbit Society would like to make a SPECIAL OFFER for members who join the HRS Bunny Brigade Monthly Giving Club at a $30+ per... read more. �� � w !1AQaq"2�B���� #3R�br� ���T�C� �������S���@9�I��?�4��Ϲ� v� ��~� �� Donations are tax deductible. Welcome, Milli-- Rescue #1000. NOTE: It is always preferable to buy organic produce if at all possible. �� � } !1AQa"q2���#B��R��$3br� Order online for pickup or to ship in the link below! Others have found that kale fed in large amounts on a daily basis may contribute to bladder sludge and other health issues. Beyond leafy greens you can feed other vegetables such as root vegetables or “flowers” such as broccoli and cauliflower. An approximate amount to feed would be around 1 cup of greens for 2 lbs of rabbit body weight once a day or divided into multiple feedings a day. Causes: Animal Protection & Welfare, Animal-Related, Animals. When a plant would produce fruit, it is for a limited time and all the animals in the area would want to gobble these gems up quickly! Shopping at Costco, Target, or Walmart and want to pick up a gift for the rabbits? Just for information though, kale is extremely rich in vitamin A as well as most of the leaf lettuces. Rabbits are litter-trained and any behavioral issues are corrected. Become a Member; Donate; Fostering; Volunteer; Local Resources. In the wild these would be special high calorie foods obtained only at certain times of the year. All of our adoptable rabbits can be seen in person by appointment at our foster location in Newport, DE. The majority of the house rabbit diet should be composed of grass hay (any variety). HRS promotes responsible rabbit guardianship, including spaying and neutering, regular veterinary care, diet, and exercise.HRS takes the stand that domestic rabbits should not live outdoors. Starsky & Hutch. HRS is committed to educating people about the unique nature and proper care of these wonderful, intelligent companion animals. Our chapter is devoted to finding permanent, loving homes for abandoned rabbits and educating the public's understanding of rabbits as companion animals. $4�%�&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz�������������������������������������������������������������������������� ? January 12, 2021 . Avoid foods in the onion family such as leeks, chives and onions because eating these foods could cause blood abnormalities. Introduce one new food every three days and keep a watch on the stools. Support VRRA. ), Melons (any – can include peel and seeds). N=M)'=E&�s�P�� :@O�� � � ����E7x�K� �)q�M�LR��� ��'ӊL�zZ 71�JGZL��8t�`Q�R��)��S@�?Aa���=(y�. For 25 years, San Diego House Rabbit Society has supported our community through education about responsible rabbit care, spay/neuter, and adoption. 779 were here. The result can be serious GI disease. Donations are tax deductible. Our purpose is to rescue abandoned domesticated rabbits, rehabilitate them, and find them permanent indoor homes. 779 were here. House Rabbit Society is an all-volunteer, nonprofit organization with two primary goals: To rescue abandoned rabbits and find permanent homes for them and To educate the public and assist humane societies, through publications on rabbit care, phone consultation, and classes upon request. One study done on rabbits indicated that it would take several weeks of exclusively feeding huge quantities of these foods to see any abnormalities in the blood. Come Meet House Rabbit Society of SE PA/DE's Pets An advanced appointment and application pre-approval are required for an adoption screening appointment. (Note that kale, which is often implicated as a high oxalate food is actually very low in oxalates). And while we are on the subject of vitamins, rabbits make their own vitamin C in their bodies, unlike humans who have to get vitamin C through their diet. It is a great way to see if your bunny is feeling good when you observe if he takes his fruit treat every morning! Animal shelters in our area send sick and injured rabbits to us, because they won't or can't treat them. The toxicity of oxalic acid comes with feeding large quantities of foods high in this chemical and can result in tingling of the skin, the mouth and damage to the kidneys over time. This is important to know when we decide what is a healthy diet for our house rabbits. Fresh foods are also an important part of your rabbit’s diet and they provide additional nutrients as well as different textures and tastes, which are enriching for your friend as well. Mission: About Us. House Rabbit Society Singapore (HRSS) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organisation dedicated to rabbit welfare and awareness. House Rabbit Society (HRS) is a non-profit organization based in Richmond, California, United States (US), that rescues and adopts rabbits and educates the community with its curriculum on rabbit care. The one most talked about with rabbits is oxalic acid and it is completely harmless to animals or humans when consumed in small amounts. LEAFY GREENS Living with a House Rabbit Posted by HRS on Feb 12, 2013 ÿØÿà JFIF ``ÿþ;CREATOR: gd-jpeg v1.0 (using IJG JPEG v80), quality = 82 ÿÛC ! Chapter Rabbit Supplies; Local HRS Contacts; Local Shelters; Local Stores; Local Vets; Wildlife Questions; About. Currently adoptions are by appointment only. Utilizing foster homes as well as The Bunny House shelter, volunteers provide appropriate care and socialization opportunities to rabbits so that they may be adopted into loving, permanent, indoor homes. House Rabbit Society is a nonprofit animal welfare organization based in Richmond, California. I recommend feeding a minimum of at least 3 types of leafy greens a day (and only one of them should be from the group listed above) Don’t feed the same greens all the time from week to week if possible, mix it up. Many plants contain a naturally occurring chemicals called an alkaloids, which are mild toxins that protect plant in the wild. Overfeeding fruits can result in a weight gain or GI upset so it is up to you to feed these foods in limited amounts. These foods are often higher in starch or sugars and should be fed in lesser amounts than the leafy greens. These foods are nutritious and do not need to be excluded from the diet if you feed them appropriately. Rabbit Rescue & Rehab is an all-volunteer, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization serving the greater NYC area. As mentioned above, hay is rich in vitamin A, so it is unnecessary to be concerned about the specific vitamin A content of the greens. 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